Showing posts with label Toni Robbins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toni Robbins. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Toni Robbins - Book Review

I received a free sampler of the book for the purpose of my review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Before this book, I hadn't heard of Toni Robbins but the video he posted "assured me" that he knew what he was talking about, being rich and all. He really built himself up in this first chapter (what I was provided to review this book) to be knowledgeable and a real "bring yourself up by the boot straps" kind of guy.

I'm usually not one for self-help books. I usually think they won't possibly me anything I couldn't figure out myself. I begin reading this book with some skepticism, but I tried to keep an open mind that maybe this book could help me or I might get something more out of it than its face value of self help.

All in all, this chapter left me unsatisfied and wondering if his seven steps could or would actually help me. I just wanted hims to tell me his advice. I understand building himself up as an "expert", though he doesn't have the formal education to back it up.  After reading the forward and the preface, I was left wondering how good his advice could be.

While the preface and first chapter did not offer me the opportunity to read about his seven steps to mastering the money game, it built up his credibility. His style of writing made his points easily understandable but as I was unable to read his whole book, there was not enough for a full, deep dive review. 

Because I only read the first chapter, I am unsure if the book would be worth buying. My advice for the author would have been to rework the organization of the book so that the first chapter would have been the start of his advice, giving me more of an opportunity to review.