Showing posts with label study tool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label study tool. Show all posts

Friday, November 21, 2014

StudyX Review AND Giveaway

StudyX - Amazon

About the Program

StudyX is short for Study ANYTHING. This program allows you to create your own digital flashcards, study sheets, multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank tests. You input the questions and answers, then use the program to quiz yourself or your student. 

StudyX has 100 languages built in and is designed to help students from elementary school through a graduate degree learn facts faster, retain them longer, and have more fun while studying. 

The program includes some built-in material students might be studying buy it also allows students, teachers or parents to enter their own as a question with a corresponding answer. Once material is entered, there are many study options include study games, on-screen or paper flash cards, autopilot studying, study sheets, and multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and matching tests. 

The program tracks students' progress while they study using digital flash cards, study games and practice tests. The software tallies correctly-answered questions, focuses on questions needing the most studying, and congratulates you on mastering material after correctly answering all questions twice. If you prefer paper flashcards, you can print flash cards, study sheets, and practice tests.

My Experience

I received StudyX to review and I knew it would take some time to get to know and I'd actually have to use it to study. I am currently in school but I haven't come across anything in my MBA program which requires me to study. Mostly it's paper after paper. I downloaded the program, which only took a few minutes, StudyX automatically prompted me with a tutorial so I could learn my way around the program.

Even though I researched before I even opened the product, the features were a surprise! Whether you are in elementary school or college, it can help you prepare. StudyX has several subjects set up and ready for you to use, though, if you can't find what you need, you can make your own study guide, flash cards, and practice tests or upload more study options from the StudyX website! You can also print out the flash cards, study sheets, and tests provided by StudyX or you can just use them on the computer and save some paper.

I decided to pick a subject I already knew a lot about, German language. I practiced with flash cards, multiple choice questions, and the practice test. There are really a wide variety of vocabulary words and you really feel like it refreshes your skills very quickly. My only complaint was that special characters, such as the double s and umlaut, commonly found in German, did not show up at all, only displaying a question mark in their place. I don't know if it was my computer or StudyX, but that could be confusing to someone who doesn't know the language as well.

You can play while learning at the same time. I wish more video games offered this! If you are doing something else on the computer, you can even program StudyX to pop up every few minutes with a new question so you can multi-task!

Overall, I really enjoyed using StudyX and think it's a great product for learning facts, especially for younger people or those whose learning can be taught via flash cards. I can't speak to it personally, however if you struggle to get your children to study, this may help a lot, especially with the built in games! StudyX delivers creative ways to tempt children to learn, with autopilot mode and games, that studying from a book just can't do.

For myself studying a subject that does not translate well into flashcards, this does not work as well, however I see potential with grade school on up in a different field.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.