Sunday, January 25, 2015

PRO-Dental Probiotic Review

Pro-Dental - Website
PRO-Dental is revolutionary new probiotic product that focuses on repopulating your oral cavities (ear, nose and throat area) with beneficial bacteria as opposed to your digestive tract. This is an incredible and powerful combination of four oral probiotic strains clinically shown to improve bad breath, plaque and even ear, nose and throat infections.

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If you suffer from recurrent sore throats, allergies, ear or sinus infections or from dental issues such as cavities, plaque, bad breath, teeth staining, gum disease, tonsil stones, or sensitive teeth, this is the recommended formula.
This tablet should be chewed or dissolved in your mouth. It’s best to take after using mouthwash or brushing your teeth. When you use any bacteria-killing products, you are wiping out the good guys along with the bad guys. PRO-Dental will be most effective after use of these products, effectively repopulating your oral cavities with the beneficial bacteria.

Pro-Dental - Website
Expect relatively fast results. PRO-Dental is formulated with the most clinically proven oral probiotic strains and will colonize in your mouth, ear, nose and throat area within 7 days of consistent use. Additionally, immune enhancing properties have been shown to take effect within the first 24 hours of use!

My Review

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Being a smoker in the past I have suffered from bad breath a lot! Since stopping smoking my breath has improved a lot but still it's not amazingly fresh. I floss, brush, and use mouth wash daily but it wasn't helping me at all. Nothing seemed to help, until I tried this pro-dental probiotic that is!

I generally have decent results on my checkups at the dentist but after using this product the dentist was extremely surprised. She commented on how good my gums looked and how my mouth smelled better too. She asked me what I had done different and I told her about this product. She was surprised that there is a probiotic for dental purposes too!

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This product has proven itself to me and I now understand why probiotics are so important. I have taken them before for my GI tract but never knew that there were products to help with my bad breath and sinus problems!

I highly recommend this product to anyone who suffers from bad breath, excessive tooth decay (even with proper dental care), or sinus issues. I saw results and I genuinely hope you do too!

Check out the brand on Facebook, Twitter, and go buy it on Amazon!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Brand Backer. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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